This page is part of the Web Development Resources
As the web has advanced various languages such as VRML and Java have appeared to
supplement HTML and
CGI. These new languages can help developers to
create better, more innovative sites.
VRML, the Virutal Reality Modeling Language, allows you to create 3D worlds
which can be explored on the web.
- VRML Architecture Group
- Official VRML specifications, the VRML FAQ, and other information.
- The VRML Repository
- A repository of VRML software, worlds, sounds, textures and documentation.
- VRMLSite Magazine
- An online magazine dedicated to VRML. Great for keeping up to date with
the latest developments and ideas.
Java is a platform independent programming language. It allows web site
developers to include complex programs within their sites. Unlike CGI Java
runs on the clients machine which means that the server only needs to be
contacted once and the server's processing power is not used heavily.
However, running programs on the client machine does raise numerous security
- Java: Programming for the Internet
- The official Java information site from Sun, the developers of the language.
- JavaWorld
- A web-based magazine for Java developers and enthusiasts. Contains
information on new products, news and reviews, as well of plenty of ideas and
tips related to the language.
- Java Security FAQ
- Frequently asked questions about the security of Java. Before you use Java
on your web site you should be aware of the problems it may cause.
- Tracking Java
- Links to selected sites containing Java news, resources and tutorials.
- Java Optimization
- How to optimize your Java programs so that they're faster, smaller, and
more maintainable.
- Yahoo's Java Links
- Links to a multitude of useful Java-related places on the Internet. Example
applets, documentation, mailing lists and security issues are all covered.
Netscape have developed Javascript and incorporated it into their browser.
JavaScript is based on Java but there are numerous differences. JavaScript,
unlike Java, is an interpreted script-based language.
- JavaScript
- Netscape's official JavaScript site.
- Yahoo's JavaScript Links
- Lots of useful JavaScript links and pointers to documentation, example code
and security advice.
- JavaScript Adventures
- An article from Byte Magazine which
contains some criticism of the language and a few tips and tricks to help you
ActiveX is an open, cross-platform set of technologies for integrating
components on the Internet.
- ActiveX in Plain English
- A well-written introduction to ActiveX, explaining what it is and what it
- The ActiveX Working Group
- This is the site for the people who determine the standards for ActiveX so
you can find out what what they're up to.
- ActiveX Resources Area
- Microsoft's official site which tells you everything you'll need to know.
- ActiveX Security
- The author of this web site claims to have found some security holes in
ActiveX which could cause serious problems.
- ActiveXpress
- An online magazine covering all the latest news about ActiveX.

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