This page is part of the Web Development Resources
This section is designed to help you find additional information about web
development which is not contained within this guide.
Keeping this guide up-to-date is a tough job. The web is always evolving, and
it's evolving quickly too. If you feel any area is not covered in sufficient
detail, or if you think we have not linked to the best resources please
let us know. Ideally you'll never need to
anything that isn't linked to from this guide to help you out!
It's usually a good idea to start looking for information on another site
similar to this one. Several are listed in the
General Information section of this guide.
If you're still having trouble finding what you want you can try one of the
Internet's search engines. Searching can often be a nightmare as you may
often find many of the sites you are pointed towards are completely irrelevant.
In order to find what you are looking for you should always consult the search
engine's help page, this will save time in the long run.
The most powerful search engine. The
search option is especially useful. You can perform a
simple search
using the form below.
[Help for Simple Queries]
[Help for Advanced Queries]
Rather than being a search engine in its own right, Metacrawler searches a
number of free engines and collates the results. Combining the results of the
best search engines often helps produce more accurate results. You can perform
a search using the form below.
[About Metacrawler and Help on Searching]
Infoseek is useful for performing a quick, imprecise search. Unlike AltaVista
you don't usually have use logical terms to get the results you want. Every
search also contains links to areas of Infoseek's directory which contains
sites that they think are useful. You can perform a search using the form below.
[Infoseek Tips]

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