This page is part of the Web Development Resources
CGI (Common Gateway Interface) is used to implement programs written in an
ordinary programming language (such as C/C++ or Perl) into your web pages.
CGI allows you to perform many advanced tasks that HTML cannot do on its own.
This is advanced material and can get quite technical!
- CGI Overview
- Documentation and example programs. The best place to start.
- CGI Security Tutorial
- Before installing any CGI scripts on your server you should be aware of how
they may compromise security.
- WWW Security FAQ
- Similar to the CGI security FAQ, but this contains more information about
general WWW security measures.
- CGI Made Really Easy
- The title is a little misleading; the information here is only be of use
to competent programmers who want to learn CGI quickly, others are be better
off starting elsewhere.
Perl is one of the more popular languages for writing CGI scripts.
- Perl Tutorial
- Teaches you the basics of the programming language. Excellent for those who
have never used a programming language before, others may find it tedious.
- The Perl Language Home Page
- Lots of links relevant to Perl, including the Perl FAQ. Very useful for all
Perl programmers.
- CGI.pm - a Perl5 CGI Library
- CGI.pm makes writing CGI scripts with Perl5 much easier by containing many
often used routines in one package.
- Introduction to CGI Programming
- Explains what CGI is and how it works using examples in C.
- libcgi++
- A C++ class library that decodes CGI data.
- cgihtml
- cgihtml is a collection of routines in C for parsing CGI input and
outputting HTML. This saves you rewriting routines which are commonly used in
CGI scripts.
Server Side Includes are included directly in your HTML files and provide a
powerful interface to CGI scripts and other useful tools.
- Server Side Includes
- An excellent guide taken from the O'Reilly CGI Programming book.
- Yahoo: Server Side Includes
- Various useful links related to server side includes, including information
for configuring servers to allow them.
It can often be difficult to find where mistakes are in your programs.
Debugging and validation tools can prove to be very useful when you get stuck!
- CGITap
- CGITap allows CGI scripts to run as normal, but additional debugging
information is sent to the browser to help find faults in your programming.
- Selena Sol's CGI Script Archive
- As well as several useful example scripts this site contains a CGI trouble
shooting FAQ, a list of books with relevant information and more.
- Matt's Script Archive
- The best known collection of freely usable scripts - and they're not
bad either!

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