This page is part of the Web Development Resources
This section helps you out with all the basics you need to know before you can
get your web site up and running.
It's a good idea to learn a bit of HTML, the language used to create web pages,
before you start to develop your site. Don't be put off by the fact that HTML is
a computer language, it is very easy to learn and use.
- Introduction to HTML
- This is great for non-technical people, it is very detailed and explains
the basic things you will need to know. Its length means it will take a while
to read, but it is very easy to understand.
- NCSA's Beginners Guide to HTML
- This is excellent for beginners and provides a comprehensive introduction
to HTML. Rather than containing lots of detail, this is quick and easy to read,
making it suitable for those who feel more confident.
- Take 10 Mintues to Learn HTML
- A quick guide which covers all the basics and introduces you to HTML.
- Yahoo's list of Guides & Tutorials to HTML
- Yahoo contains lots of links to sites covering all aspects of web
development. This section covers web tutorials; take a look if none of the
above guides seem suitable for you.
Unix and Windows NT are the two main operating systems on which web servers are
run. Unix dates back several decades and is most widely used, but NT is winning
over many converts. Both operating systems have their advantages. Unix's age
ensures stability and the availability of a wide range of software. NT is
easier to use which means sites are often (but not always) more secure, but
software is usually more expensive.
- UNIXhelp
- Web servers are often run under a Unix operating system, and this is the
first time that many people will come into contact with it. If you want to
learn how to use Unix or improve your skills this resource is invaluable.
- Rick's Windows NT Info
- Links to almost everything imaginable about Windows NT.
Once you've created your web site you'll need to put it on a server which is
permanently connected to the Internet. Some Internet service providers offer
this with a standard dialup account.
- List of Low Cost Web Services
- If you want to store your web pages on a dedicated server cheaply the lists
at this site will be useful.
- Free Home Pages
- Lists a few sites where you can store your web pages at no cost.

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